Spring 2022

Spring Update

Time to Prep for Summer!

It’s almost Spring and that means that Summer is just a few months away! To say we are excited about camp this year would be an understatement. Summer 2022 is shaping up to be the best one yet! Although Woods Pond is completely frozen, the calendar is telling us to start thinking Summer. With that in mind, we have put together a checklist for all families to get them ready for June 26th. Click the button below to learn about everything you need to know leading up to the start of camp.

Plus Programs

Plus programs are designed for those campers who want to improve their skills beyond our regular schedule. For ice hockey players, there are bi-weekly trips to the local ice rink where campers can sharpen their skills for the upcoming season. For tennis enthusiasts or those looking for extra lessons on the courts, our Tennis Plus program offers focused one-on-one instruction. For the avid golfer, there are weekly trips to local 18 hole courses. Bi-weekly rock climbing trips are also offered to campers looking to tackle the great Maine outdoors.

Wildwood Trivia

CONGRATS to the winner of the Holiday Trivia: Evan Swenson of the 2022 Hemlocks! The answer was: Jake Danehy who started Fair Harbor Clothing. His GL was Louis Kail! Spring Trivia Time…First family to email Teddy with the correct answer wins double canteen for their son(s). Here goes…

A Camp Wildwood Alum is currently running for US Senate. Name the alum and name the state in which he is running.

Father/Son Weekend

Summer 2022 will mark the return of Father/Son Weekend! We are so excited to invite all of our fathers to spend an extra weekend up at camp with their son(s). The event starts during the afternoon of Friday, August 12th and will continue until Sunday morning the 14th. Highlights include Dad vs. Staff Softball, Campfires, BBQs, Lobster Night and more!

Teddy Friedman