Sunday Funday

Lazy Morning

It was another beautiful day here Camp Wildwood and the boys made the most of it! Sundays are a little different here. For starters, we did not blow reveille over the loud speaker. Boys could sleep a little extra if they wanted. Up at the lodge, there was a buffet breakfast of pastries, fruit and cereal and ESPN playing on the big screen. The Seniors departed for Boston. They visited Fenway Park to see a Red Sox game! After an extra long cleaning of the bunk (really!), the boys got busy at activities around camp like guitar, climbing, swimming, tennis, BMX, archery and waterski. It was the last of a long stretch of hot days so we spent a lot of time in the water and the shade.

Red Sox Special

After chicken quesadillas, chips and guac for lunch, the boys took an extra “rest hour” from 1:30pm to 3pm. Boys enjoyed the many activities going on. There was photography, arts and crafts, tennis, swimming, waterski, sailing, low ropes and hoops. After evening flag pole, we had a pasta dinner along with veggies and salad. For evening activity, each group did something a little different like handball, GaGa, tennis baseball and kickball. The Cedar Pines and Maples played a joint game of hide and seek. See you tomorrow!

Teddy Friedman