A Wet One

We were unfortunately hit with a lot of rain for our last “regular day.” Hard to believe the boys are only here for a few more days. We plan to make the most of them! Today we had waffles and sausage plus fruit, yogurt and cereal for breakfast. Then everyone cleaned their bunks before the morning. Junior campers watched Cars in the lodge while Senior Campers played a mix of pickle ball, handball, basketball and trash ball in the gym.

After chicken fingers for lunch following by rest hour, the group swapped. At one point, the rain lessened a bit and the Hemlocks and Oaks played an epic game of slip n slide handball on the LAX field.

For dinner, we enjoyed spaghetti and meatballs with string beans, and breadsticks. Afterwards, the Lip Sync winners took a trip to get their championship ice cream! Last trip day of the summer coming up. See you then.

Teddy Friedman